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News of Exhibition


SU-155 bought the plant for the production of ceramic tiles in Latvia...

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Sanitec and Russian Della created joint venture for the production of sanitary ware...

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OAO Stroyfarfor "has developed a new collection of ceramic tiles and ceramic granite...

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Exhibition Program 2007

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the themes of the special program of the International Building Exhibition of 2007.

10 October 2007
12:30 - 13:30
Press Room
Press Briefing on the opening of the exhibition
11 October 2007
Press Room
Motels in Russia. Vista, design, construction and equipping. The round table:
Press Room
3rd Conference «Smart windows for modern buildings». Conference: APROK
on 12 October 2007
11:00 - 13:00
Press Room
Current state and prospects of development of industry in Russia metallostroitelnoy The round table: All-Russian Association Metallostroiteley
12:00 - 16:00
Press Room
Audit marketing activity/differentiation and the elimination Seminar: Dmitry Kropiwnicki
13 October 2007
12:00 - 14:00
Press Room
Technology ASTRON Buildings Workshop: Representation of ASTRON Buildings SA (Luxembourg) in Russia

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