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Ltd. "CC" Strategy and Parity "has opened its facilities for the production of ventilated front under a decorative stone...

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In the Irkutsk region build cement factory...

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In the 3 areas of Russia built a factory for brick production...

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In the 3 areas of Russia built a factory for brick production


Holding «European brick company» ( «Evrokirpich») will invest 200 million euro until 2013 in the construction of brick factories in the territory of Russia. The press-service company. September 3, 2008 in Tver, an agreement was signed on the construction of the plant in the Tver region for the production of ceramic construction materials based on Chulkinskogo deposit of brick raw material.
At the end of 2007 a similar agreement was signed with the administration of Penza region, and is now ready for signing agreement with the administration of the Kaluga region. These areas will be set up production facilities with a total capacity of about 300 million pieces of standard bricks per year, the same power plant in the Tver region range from 90 to 120 million pieces of standard bricks per year.

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