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A round table held by the Russian Builders Association on 19 December focused on the recruitment problem in the building sector in light of the implementation of priority National Projects “Available and Comfortable Housing – To Russian People” and “Education”.


Participants of the round-table discussion included: chancellors of higher education institutes, building colleges superintendents, executive authorities, Alexander Kudryavtsev, President of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, Builders Union Chairman Boris Soshenko and First Vice-President of the Russian Engineering Academy Andrei Zvezdov.

Thus, the Russian Builders Association (RBA) emphasized the importance of reforming the professional building education system. According to the round-table organizers, the national project implementation, i.e. a two-fold increase in the housing operation volumes by 2010 would be impossible without participation of the skilled labor. Now it is time to stop using inexpensive unqualified labor from CIS countries and focus on hiring the Russian building experts.

In compliance with the order of 12 October 2006, by First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to consider the issue of personnel provision for the building complex, the conferees have prepared a number of proposals to handle the situation. These proposals assume increase in the scheduled acceptance figures for the professional building training; organization of the industrial collaboration between RBA and the federal educational institutions of the professional secondary education; active employers’ participation in the standards and programs development; elaboration of the target orders for personnel training; compulsory raise of the skill level of construction workers using the standards of the self-control building-type organizations; creation of the industrial research center.

Summing up, Nikolai Koshman noted that the conferees’ particular decisions “would help to achieve the current comprehensive goals facing the entire professional education system of Russia and focusing on its improvement, effective and qualitative development, as well as guarantee the dynamic team-work for the welfare of the Russian education, for the welfare of the Russian future.”

Source: RBA-INFO

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