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The new strategy will be presented AHML summer - head Minregiona RF


MOSCOW, February 28 - RIA Novosti. New Development Strategy for the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) will be developed by the summer of this year, Minister of Regional Development Dmitry Kozak, speaking Thursday at a meeting of the priority national projects under the President of the Russian Federation.

According to him, the volumes and targets for improving housing affordability, increase in construction and mortgage lending significantly higher than originally planned values.

"In June of this year, the Government of the Russian Federation will be a new development strategy for the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending", - said Kozak. < BR>
He recalled that on increasing the availability of housing was targeted a number of measures, including the provision of public preferences for the purchase of housing for young families, and promoting increased mortgage lending and the implementation of State obligations to ensure the number of categories of citizens, the responsibility for housing which lies at the federal center.

"State financial support for the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, as well as certain regulatory nature allowed to enter the market, not only the big banks, but also medium and small regional banks," - noted Minister.

According to him, before the realization of national project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing - to citizens of Russia, in 2005, housing mortgage was 56 billion rubles, in 2006 it rose to 263 billion rubles in 2007 year - to 538 billion rubles.

Kozak noted that the successful development of a mortgage in many ways helped improve housing affordability, despite significant price increases, especially two years ago.

"The work in this direction necessary to maintain and improve ", - said Kozak. He added that it will be sent to this new strategy AHML.

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